I can still see, hear, and feel the day that I chose to be -- and well, also kind of discovered that I was -- an entrepreneur.
I was sitting in my grad school apartment on my hand-me-down bed in my 500-square-foot studio apartment that I paid for with low-income government subsidized discounts, eating my dollar store pasta, and someone told me I would make a great coach.
That was probably the first time I’d actually sat down to consider what I *wanted* my life to look like, rather than what I *expected* my life to look like as an aspiring professional musician.
Granted, at that time, it was for a company called Team Beachbody, not life coaching. But Beachbody was the doorway that I walked through, wide eyed and with wonder, that introduced me to a whole new world of leadership, personal development, well-being and health as a priority, and a peer group of other entrepreneurs.
That was probably the first time I’d actually sat down to consider what I *wanted* my life to look like, rather than what I *expected* my life to look like as an aspiring professional musician.
And look, not everyone is an entrepreneur and has this moment at “the beginning of it all” -- but I guarantee you, we ALL have a pivotal moment of choice.
There was one day where you decided what your life would look like. For some, it was in a haze of disempowerment.
“I guess this is the best option I’ve got.”
“What else would I do to make decent money?”
“I’ve gotta be practical. This is a viable income, and I’d be crazy not to take it.”
And for some it’s like an awakening.
“I had no idea I could make money AND adore my life.”
“I wish I’d discovered this YEARS ago!”
“It’s like I don’t even have a day job and a music career -- it’s all just MY LIFE!”
What are your conditions of satisfaction for your life to look, taste, smell, and FEEL like the way you dream it to be?
This week’s video and blog offering are an invitation to you -- whether or not you consider yourself “on the market” for a job -- to take this moment to do a heart-check.
What do you actually want to be paid to do?
Where are you working?
What skills are you using?
What people are you meeting?
What are you learning?
What are you creating?
In the video, we kick off Step 1 to choosing a day job / complementary career / or even your musical career with the most important piece: what are your conditions of satisfaction for your life to look, taste, smell, and FEEL like the way you dream it to be? On a selfish level, I’m a coach because of its fulfillment of my wants and needs: it grants me the freedom to work from home or wherever I am in the world, to work intimately with incredible people whom I adore, to grow and expand my ability to honestly express and powerfully connect, to be solely responsible for what level of income I earn, and to support my well-being needs. Those are actual items on my list of requirements for whatever job I do. You might also notice that each of those ALSO applies to my singing career! These are my conditions of satisfaction for my life to be what I want it to be, AND for me to earn money.
So, take 5 minutes and watch today’s video to take Step 2 and 3. Follow the steps, trust yourself, and get real with yourself. What do you need? What do you want?
Then, if you’d like to partner with me in a complimentary strategy session for you to boldly discover, name, and GO AFTER a life that you can only imagine in your heart right now… just listen to your gut and book a call! Because, my darling, you get to give yourself the life of your dreams -- now and always.
Why wouldn’t you?
Happy Monday, sweet soul.
Xo, Ellen
PS. Yes, even our beloved Rolling Stones didn’t always get things right.